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Changes That Could Be Made To My Study Programme

Talking about changes that I would do in my career are a lot. First with the faculty facilities, I wish there were more trees and green areas for can be stay in there and rest. I would change the food court and the food service, because it’s disgusting and horrible, sometimes you can find bugs in your salad, or sometimes you ask jelly but when you test it isn't a jelly, and you don’t know what you are eating. Other thing that I would like change is the location of the faculty; y would put it in the center of the city. Also I would like to change is the curriculum, in the time, I’ve noticed that a lot of subject are bad organized, a lot of them repeat topics, that could be used for other things. something that definitely I would change is the workload, I feel that I can't learn well a topic with a lot of other works, and subjects that I have to learn at the same time, sometime we don't have time to go to class and studying for a test, and we have to decide what of both...

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Postgraduate studies


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