Personal Opinions
What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary
problems and animal over population?
I think that is a horrible arrangement, is not only a stupid idea, is
real cruelty. Dogs don’t have blame about the "animal over
population", they don’t know about this, and i think that if an overpopulation,
it's about people population, not animal population. It’s all blame of us, we
transport animals to places that is not its habitat, we invent animals, we
remove they houses, and we give it the conditions to they grow in population.
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
My opinion about marijuana is that must be legalized, because it is in
everywhere, it is not something far, on the contrary it’s something that it is
in everywhere, every people are proves, or know someone that eat or sell.
I think that is like cigarette in his times, but I hope that scientists discover
if really marijuana is bad or god for health.
What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called ‘mechoneo’?
I think that “mechoneo” is a funny way to receive new students to the
university, but I think that they have the straight to decide if they want or
not to be "mechoneados". Anyway I think that the people need to
understand the decisions of the others and don't do what they do not want, like
cut its hair, dye its hair, cut its clothing or be humiliate.

ResponderBorrarAll your opinions are very interesting, with respect to the "mechoneo" I firmly believe in the idea of looking for healthier alternatives for initiation and that don't make feel bad anyone.
ResponderBorrarIt impresses me and it hurts how they can accept the killing of dogs as a sanitary measure,